marine explosion proof lights bangladeshi

Marine Explosion Proof Lights  Bangladeshi

you  may know  many people and many do not know that Chittagong- Bangladesh has the largest ship breaking industry in the world.

where  import from different  countries of the world is brought to Chittagong-Bangladesh and then they are broken. and the ships in these ships are the oil tanker , container ship, bulk carriers ship, passenger ship etc.
as we have ship salvage antiques the products of the ol ship, some of the picture we collect are given below so that you are easy to understand and the interest in working with us increase.

we store the goods in our warehouse and then tell our customers that we have such goods, but some unscrupulous suppliers who do not have these products in more than one, they market online and deceive.

you can compete here with product order and  advanced  and then collect the products here.